A combination of BOTH The GUT CHECK Black Challenge – 26.2 miles of running + 3,000 ab crunches, 1,100 push-ups, 1,100 jumping jacks, 1 mile burpee leap frog PLUS The SUCK Black Challenge – 26.2 miles of humping a pack with sandbag + Gut Check Double Murph 200 pack presses, 400 pack push-ups and 600 pack squats and 1 mile bucket carry. Both MUST be completed in 2 days (48 hours). I suggest starting Friday 7PM SUCK Black, rest, then Sunday 7AM GUT CHECK Black. You can break the run/hump & exercises up for either the GUT CHECK or SUCK Black Challenge but must have a GPS/Strava map of BOTH 26.2 mile route as proof.
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